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Website initial idea

 Website initial idea One-page layout This project aims to recreate a pixel perfect design and make a one-page responsive layout. This is also a beginner-level project that allows freshers to test their newly acquired knowledge and skill level. Login authentication You must elaborate a website login authentication bar with email and passwords Product landing page  You must develop knowledge of HTML and CSS. You have to perform basic editing, resizing images and using templates  Giphy with a unique API Giphy API is use to build a web application that has a search input where users can search for specific GIFs, can display trending GIFs in a column/grid format, and has a load more option at the bottom for searching more GIFs. JavaScript Web development should include creation of JavaScript quiz game that can take multiple answers and show the correct results to users. To-do list Build a web app that allows to make a to-do list for routine task using HTML and CSS. For that, Java  Script i

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